Friday 2 October 2015

Hand Muscles

Check my Hand Functions due to the muscle loss in my last post Muscle-loss

Forearm Muscles:
Forearm has two compartments  Posterior &  Anterior

Posterior Compartment

Hand Muscles - Posterior 1
Hand Muscles Posterior

Superficial muscles :

  • Brachioradialis flexes at the elbow.
  • Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis extends and abducts the wrist.
  • Extensor Digitorum extends medial four fingers at the MCP and IP joints.
  • Extensor Digiti Minimi extends the little finger and contributes to extension at the wrist.
  • Extensor Carpi Ulnaris extension and adduction of wrist.
  • Anconeus moves the ulna during pronation and extends at the elbow joint.

    Hand Muscles Posterior 2
    Hand Muscles Posterior 2

    Deep Muscles:

    • Supinator supinates the forearm.
    • Abductor Pollicis Longus abducts the thumb.
    • Extensor Pollicis Brevis extends at the metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal joints of the thumb.
    • Extensor Pollicis Longus extends all joints of the thumb: carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal.
    • Extensor Indicis extends the index finger.

    Thursday 1 October 2015

    Muscle Loss

    I have experienced the worst muscle loss in my right hand forearm.It leads me to the worst inability.We have to understand the functions of the muscles before knowing my hand inability.
    Forearm Flexors
    Forearm Muscles - Flexors 

    Radial Nerve Full view
    Radial Nerve Full view


    Wrist Drop:

    • Due to the deep branch of my radial nerve was affected and also due to the muscles loss in the surrounding area,I have Wrist Drop.
    • Wrist Drop leads weakness in my shoulder joint and pain in the triceps.
    • I also can't bend or extend my elbow joint due to Wrist Drop.

    Fingers Movement:

    • I am not able to fold my fingers properly.
    • I can able to bend my middle finger, ring finger & small finger (75 %)  and index finger (50 %).
    • There is a slight movement in my thumb finger(20%).

    All because of the muscle loss during the accident.

    Check the below link for the functions of hand: 


    Wednesday 30 September 2015

    Operation Theatre or Operation Room

                 The Place nobody wants to go until you know the comfortableness in it. I was taken to the operation theatre nearly 13 times in the 63 days stay in bahrain and 2 times in the 13 days stay in India until now. I was getting very comfortable day to day because I felt better everyday & the nature of the People in there(OT). Most of us have the wrong impression about (OT) . I suggest don't afraid of operating theatre or operation room.

    O.K. Let me explain the fixation for my hand in Operation theatre(OT).

    I already explained the hand exploration done by emergency room(ER) doctors in my last post .Emergency-Room-ER

    On 12 th may, a Doctor explained the situation happening.

    1.          My both radial & ulnar artery in the forearm was damaged  by 15 cm. Vascular Surgery was done by taking the saphenous vein from the left leg and harvesting it into my right forearm,
    Saphenous Vein
    Saphenous Vein
    2.          Both the Radius and Ulna bone was damaged by 15 cm. X-ray shows my radius was fractured in two places and ulna in one place. They fixed with nailing which is called K-wire. Another reason for fixing is because of the infection in the hand. Compound fracture was found. They cannot fix the hand until the infection will be removed.

    Open Segmental Fracture Xray
    Open Fracture Xray

    3.          Due to the degloving of circumferential skin from elbow to wrist which is also infected they cannot do the plastic surgery in the hand.So they just did the dressing with gauze and POP.


    Tuesday 29 September 2015

    Emergency Room ER

    The accident occurred in my previous company "The Kingdom Group" in Bahrain. Obviously, I was working in the beautiful Gulf Country.
                An ordinary day but I didn't know this day was going to change my life.I already told simply how the accident happened and I will share that experience.
                After the accident on 11th May 2015, I was taken to the best hospital in the Country "Kingdom Hamad University Hospital".The Injury I sustained was one of the Worst Crush Injury the hospital has ever witnessed. In the Emergency room, they explored my wound and I was taken to the Operation theatre. After a day on 12th May 2015, a Doctor explained to me about my hand. So many things going inside my mind as the Doctor explained everything.

    Things during the Exploration in Emergency room:

    Emergency Room
    Emergency Room
    1.            Airway Patent used over and over
    2.            I have an avulsion injury in the forearm.(Bone & Skin).
    3.            Open fracture forearm both bones exposed & Major loss of skin and tissue.
    4.            15 cm Segmental loss of radial and ulnar artery combined radius and ulnar bone fractures,
    5.            Compound Fracture.

    These medical terms you will only know when you are a Doctor or you will study it when you sustain an injury.I will share my experience and explain these things simply.

    Worst Accident

    Life has changed a lot since the worst accident happened on May 11st 2015 at 9.30 am. My right hand forearm was struck inside the machine because of my carelessness. Actually it happened because of my shirt sleeve caught in the screw.

    Two of my mistakes almost leads me to lost my right hand.
    • Forget to check the screw during the inspection.
    • Went near the machine without folding the shirt.
    First thing came to my mind in flash after the accident is " The Hospital ".I never stayed in the hospital even for a single day before this accident.

    I have my hand back but recovering, because of my presence of mind

    I will share my full experience about the treatment in this blog.

    I will only share the photo of my xray and some photos of mine in the hospital.

    X-rays which taken before bone fixation

    open fracture xray
    Open fracture xray