Tuesday 29 September 2015

Emergency Room ER

The accident occurred in my previous company "The Kingdom Group" in Bahrain. Obviously, I was working in the beautiful Gulf Country.
            An ordinary day but I didn't know this day was going to change my life.I already told simply how the accident happened and I will share that experience.
            After the accident on 11th May 2015, I was taken to the best hospital in the Country "Kingdom Hamad University Hospital".The Injury I sustained was one of the Worst Crush Injury the hospital has ever witnessed. In the Emergency room, they explored my wound and I was taken to the Operation theatre. After a day on 12th May 2015, a Doctor explained to me about my hand. So many things going inside my mind as the Doctor explained everything.

Things during the Exploration in Emergency room:

Emergency Room
Emergency Room
  1.            Airway Patent used over and over
  2.            I have an avulsion injury in the forearm.(Bone & Skin).
  3.            Open fracture forearm both bones exposed & Major loss of skin and tissue.
  4.            15 cm Segmental loss of radial and ulnar artery combined radius and ulnar bone fractures,
  5.            Compound Fracture.

These medical terms you will only know when you are a Doctor or you will study it when you sustain an injury.I will share my experience and explain these things simply.

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